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St. Henry Catholic Church

1619 S. Flores Street, San Antonio TX


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Loving Christ, Loving Others

We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is:

To proclaim the Gospel of Christ to our local community in word, deed, and truth.

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       Solemnity of The Ascension of The Lord             

 The Ascension of the Lord

Exalted in Glory

All three readings talk about Jesus being taken up into heaven or in a cloud or on high. These descriptions of the ascension actually tell us that Jesus is reunited with his Father and exalted in glory with the Father. Jesus not only has a new life that cannot be ended by death, he also is no longer limited by time or space as he was before he died. So what does that mean for us? Because he is not limited, he can be with us everywhere. Through his Spirit, he gives us the power and the courage to act as Jesus and the vision of faith so see Jesus in others. Now this takes some practice. One way we learn is through the lives of the saints. We see how God works through them to do great things. We learn that they become more and more like Jesus, in how they treat others with love and respect. But if the saints seem too distant, we can look at someone we love. Whether it is a parent, spouse, brother, sister or friend, the good that they do and the love they show is from God. So we can learn about God’s love for us by letting ourselves be loved by another. The other side of the coin is seeing Jesus in ourselves. We may have to forgive ourselves for the bad choices we have made in the past, or the bad habits we still have. We also have to accept that God really does love us as his children. And we have to accept that sometimes, even when we do our best, we still seem to fail. But the God who brings life out of death also brings success out of failure. So trust his promise that we have Jesus in us. Then do your best to follow Jesus and you may lead someone else to him. 

Sexto domingo de Pascua

La Ascensión del Señor

Exaltado en gloria

Las tres lecturas hablan de Jesús siendo llevado al cielo o en una nube o en lo alto. Estas descripciones de la ascensión en realidad nos dicen que Jesús se reúne con su Padre y es exaltado en gloria con el Padre. Jesús no sólo tiene una nueva vida que no puede terminar con la muerte, sino que ya no está limitado por el tiempo o el espacio como lo estaba antes de morir. entonces, ¿que significa eso para nosotros? Porque él no está limitado, puede estar con nosotros en todas partes. A través de su Espíritu, nos da el poder y el coraje para actuar como Jesús y la visión de fe para ver a Jesús en los demás. Ahora bien, esto requiere algo de práctica. Una manera de aprender es a través de la vida de los santos. Vemos cómo Dios obra a través de ellos para hacer grandes cosas. Aprendemos que se parecen cada vez más a Jesús en la forma en que tratan a los demás con amor y respeto. Pero si los santos parecen demasiado distantes, podemos mirar a alguien a quien amamos. Ya sea un padre, cónyuge, hermano, hermana o amigo, el bien que hacen y el amor que demuestran proviene de Dios. Entonces podemos aprender sobre el amor de Dios por nosotros dejándonos amar por otro. La otra cara de la moneda es ver a Jesús en nosotros mismos. Quizás tengamos que perdonarnos a nosotros mismos por las malas decisiones que tomamos en el pasado o por los malos hábitos que todavía tenemos. También tenemos que aceptar que Dios realmente nos ama como sus hijos. Y tenemos que aceptar que a veces, incluso cuando hacemos lo mejor que podemos, parece que todavía fallamos. Pero el Dios que saca vida de la muerte también saca éxito del fracaso. Así que confía en su promesa de que tenemos a Jesús en nosotros. Luego haz lo mejor que puedas para seguir a Jesús y podrás guiar a alguien más hacia él.

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Only love makes way for unity, which is the fruit of God’s action. For a Christian, having enemies is forbidden. We must love all people, not just those who think like me, or practice the same faith as me. The important thing here is to ask myself what makes me the master of my heart. Or even better, what allows the Lord to be the master of my heart? Is it love or hatred? If, despite wanting to forgive, I cannot do it because I have been a victim of terror or hatred, then I need to ask that question: Who is the master of my heart? Love offers something new to us: to include the enemy, so that it is not hate or revenge that has the last word. In the reign of the Holy Spirit, evil is never the end.



Monday - 8:30am-Mass at St. Philip of Jesus Chapel 

Tuesday - 10:30am Mass at the Chapel in the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal 

Wednesday - 9:00am Mass at St. Henry Chapel

Thursday - 9:00am Mass at St. Henry Chapel

Friday - 11:00am at the Chapel in the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal 

Saturday - 4:30pm English

Sunday -   8:30am Spanish

                  11:00 am English 

Holy Days of Obligation - T.B.A.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Every Saturday from 3:30pm-4:20pm

Lunes - 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion Segundo y Cuarto de cada Semana del mes (y si hay quinta)

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St. Henry Catholic Church - Organizational Meetings and Events

  • Cafeteria-Prayer Group


    Monday's  7pm – 8pm

  • Infant Jesus Society Meeting -School


    Tuesday's  6:30pm – 7:30pm

  • St. Vincent de Paul


    Wednesday's :  5:30pm – 7:00pm

    Saturday's:  1:00pm to 3:00pm

  • Mass at St. Henry Chapel


    Wednesday's 9am

    Thursday's 9am


    St. Philip of Jesus (map)

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