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St. Henry Catholic Church

1619 S. Flores Street, San Antonio TX


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Loving Christ, Loving Others

We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is:

To proclaim the Gospel of Christ to our local community in word, deed, and truth.

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Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What Makes You Happy?

 St. James message of peace is as true now as it was two thousand years ago. Where else do wars and terrorism come from, than people holding on to wealth, power, or hatred? But the message James shares, and that of Jesus in the gospel, is a simple call to be different. Neither of them condemns anyone. They call us to look at what we really want and what truly brings happiness. Jesus’ disciples argued about who was greatest. We are no different today. We have to learn that having the latest gadget, the most expensive cell-phone, or the latest-model car are at best temporary delights. And that being admired by acquaintances is never as lasting as loving someone for themselves. Can we learn to be more excited about what God has done for us than what we did to improve our home? Can we share our faith in God’s mercy instead of bragging about our golf or bowling scores? St. James ends our second reading with a challenging statement: He says we ask but don’t receive because we ask wrongly. How often do we desire things that won’t really make us happy? Do we pray for things we don’t really need? Let us ask God to show us his love and to help those around us to experience it too. 

Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

¿Qué te hace feliz?

El mensaje de paz de Santiago es tan cierto ahora como lo fue hace dos mil años. ¿De dónde más vienen las guerras y el terrorismo, sino de personas que se aferran a la riqueza, el poder o el odio? Pero el mensaje que comparte Santiago, y el de Jesús en el evangelio, es un simple llamado a ser diferentes. Ninguno de ellos condena a nadie. Nos llaman a mirar lo que realmente queremos y lo que verdaderamente nos da felicidad. Los discípulos de Jesús discutían sobre quién era el más grande. Nosotros no somos diferentes hoy. Tenemos que aprender que tener el último dispositivo, el teléfono celular más caro o el auto de último modelo son, en el mejor de los casos, placeres temporales. Y que ser admirado por conocidos nunca es tan duradero como amar a alguien por sí mismo. ¿Podemos aprender a estar más emocionados por lo que Dios ha hecho por nosotros que por lo que hicimos para mejorar nuestro hogar? ¿Podemos compartir nuestra fe en la misericordia de Dios en lugar de alardear de nuestras puntuaciones en el golf o los bolos? Santiago termina nuestra segunda lectura con una declaración desafiante: dice que pedimos pero no recibimos porque pedimos mal. ¿Cuántas veces deseamos cosas que en realidad no nos hacen felices? ¿Oramos por cosas que en realidad no necesitamos? Pidamos a Dios que nos muestre su amor y que ayude a quienes nos rodean a experimentarlo también.

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Only love makes way for unity, which is the fruit of God’s action. For a Christian, having enemies is forbidden. We must love all people, not just those who think like me, or practice the same faith as me. The important thing here is to ask myself what makes me the master of my heart. Or even better, what allows the Lord to be the master of my heart? Is it love or hatred? If, despite wanting to forgive, I cannot do it because I have been a victim of terror or hatred, then I need to ask that question: Who is the master of my heart? Love offers something new to us: to include the enemy, so that it is not hate or revenge that has the last word. In the reign of the Holy Spirit, evil is never the end.



Monday - 9:00am-Mass at St. Henry Chapel - Convent

Tuesday - 10:30am Mass at the Chapel in the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal 

Wednesday - 9:00am Mass at St. Henry Chapel - Convent

Thursday - 9:00am Mass at St. Henry Chapel - Convent

Friday - 11:00am at the Chapel in the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal 

Saturday - 4:30pm English

Sunday -   8:30am Spanish

                  11:00 am English 

Holy Days of Obligation - 6pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Every Saturday from 3:30pm-4:20pm

Lunes - 6:30pm Grupo de Oracion Segundo y Cuarto de cada Semana del mes (y si hay quinta)

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St. Henry Catholic Church - Organizational Meetings and Events

  • Cafeteria-Prayer Group


    Monday's  7pm – 8pm

  • Infant Jesus Society Meeting -School


    Tuesday's  6:30pm – 7:30pm

  • St. Vincent de Paul


    Wednesday's :  5:30pm – 7:00pm

    Saturday's:  1:00pm to 3:00pm

  • Mass at St. Henry Chapel


    Wednesday's 9am

    Thursday's 9am


    St. Philip of Jesus (map)

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